Champions follows the story of an ambitious minor league baseball coach who through an incident loses his job and is ordered to do community service - with a local team with intellectual disabilities.
What ensues is a delightful journey of personal growth and an understanding of what’s really important again proving that community, inclusion, and representation matter for us all.
There are also some cheeky awesome big personalities not to mention some solid moves and proof that everyone can win.
It’s funny, it’s warm, and a great watch.
Their best shot is his last shot. 🏀 #Champions starring Woody Harrelson.
Woody Harrelson stars in the hilarious and heartwarming story of a former minor-league basketball coach who, after a series of missteps, is ordered by the court to manage a team of players with intellectual disabilities. He soon realizes that despite his doubts, together, this team can go further than they ever imagined.